30 децембар 2015

Shakespeare 400


To mark 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, ELTA invites you to send:

- your authentic lesson plans, quizzes, games and other classroom activities related to the Bard’s life and work;
- your or your students' illustrations/drawings/paintings/photos/collages of Shakespeare’s quotes;
- reports and photos of your or your students’ visits to Stratford-upon-Avon or London’s Globe;
- news of the special events that will be taking place in your schools and towns to celebrate this special anniversary year.

You can send your contributions to elta.kancelarija@gmail.com throughout 2016, and they will post them on ELTA’s site or publish them in ELTA newsletter.

Join in the celebrations of the lasting legacy of the world’s greatest playwright and share your events and activities!

01 децембар 2015

MM ELT Conference

Veliki broj nastavnika engleskog jezika iz osnovnih i srednjih škola prisustvovao je Drugoj ELT konferenciji u organizaciji MM Publications i Data Statusa. Konferencija je održana u beogradskom hotelu „Metropol Palace“ 28. novembra. 

Na konferenciji su se paralelno odvijala dva predavanja. O učenju kroz igru i razvoju veštine govora sa prisutnim nastavnicima iz osnovnih škola razgovarala je Anđela Konstans (Angela Konstance), dok je Natali Hemerton (Natalie Hammerton) sa nastavnicima koji rade u srednjim školama pričala o jačanju kritičkog mišljenja i razvoju veštine čitanja.


10.30 - 11.30
Learning through play: Games in Junior Classes (PRIMARY SESSION)
Enhancing critical thinking in language learning (SECONDARY SESSION)
11.30 - 12: Coffee break
12 - 13
Where voices are heard communication takes place (PRIMARY SESSION)
Bringing the real world into the classroom through reading (SECONDARY SESSION)
13 - 13.20: Raffle