Dragana Ivetić, učenica Gimnazije „Dušan Vasiljev“, osvojila je I mesto na konkursu za kratku priču na engleskom jeziku. Britanski savet je raspisao ovaj konkurs povodom 200 godina od rođenja Čarlsa Dikensa. Draganin mentor je Dragana Bursać Ivetić, profesor engleskog jezika.
Grey sky, blue sky
I took you to the pier by the lake. It was just like the one my parents used to take me to back in Kikinda. I was eleven, and we’d go for a walk every Saturday afternoon if the weather was nice. Whenever I started missing them, I’d come here and sit for a while.
You didn’t really like it, us coming here. The wind would ruffle your already messy locks, and if it was too warm it would only make you cry. Rainy weather was the only kind you liked. We were the only ones in the whole of Keswick on the pier that day when skies poured their souls out. I had just bought the tickets, spending half of our savings on them, and still wasn’t sure if we were going.
It hadn’t started raining yet but you were in a good mood. You were wearing that little yellow raincoat with blue dots, the one your redhead doll wears. It was actually yours, you know. I was trying to teach you how to walk. You were staggering slowly, holding my hands, and that’s when you said “Mom” for the first time. I knew we were ready to go.