17 новембар 2008

Structuring for Success

Oxford Centar iz Beograda je 16. novembra 2008. organizovao još jedan uspešan seminar namenjen nastavnicima engleskog jezika. Ovo je prvi od 5 modula izbornog seminara Teacher to Teacher 2 (Nastavnik nastavniku 2) akreditovanog pod brojem 340.

Stiv Liver (Steve Lever) je prisutnima delio savete o aktivnom pristupu nastavi gde je naglasak na personalizaciji, davanju ličnih primera.
Express Publishing Days Time table
16 November 2008, Kolarac

11.30-12.00    Registration
Welcome and introduction
12.10- 12.40
“Welcome to the World of Writing” - using “Welcome Aboard” to develop literary skills.
12.40 -13.40     
 “Click On”-a user's guide. Using the support structures within ”Click On” to help develop all skill areas.
13.40 -14.10   
 Refreshments  /  Book Exhibition
“Enterprise”-a user's guide. Using the Enterprise series to develop higher levels of English.
“Access and Access Interactive Whiteboard Software” - a look at Express Publishing's new series and how its dedicated interactive whiteboard technology can be incorporated into the classroom.