31 октобар 2006

SICC 2006.

Dvanaestogodišnja učenica OŠ „Sveti Sava“, Antonina Brdarić, osvojila je nagradu na internacionalnom takmičenju Shankar's International Children's Competition za literarni rad „Doživljaji mačka Ivice“ napisan na engleskom jeziku:


“Ivica, Ivica!” or “Here, kitty, kitty!”

Ivica is my spoiled tomcat.  He lives in a flat with three bedrooms and he is very lazy. He catches three mice and a dove in a year, while the rest of his food is prepared for him.

His fur is completely white, his eyes large and brown, his small nose is pink and so are his paws. He sleeps in my bed, on my pillow. He likes to wake us up at five in the morning so that he would not be late for the date at half past five. His favourite lover is a beautiful cat, Brankica.

I remember one of his big mischiefs. One evening he went out for a walk. Then, in the secret hiding place, where he and Brankica used to meet, he heard a weak miaow. His sweetheart has had two lovely kittens. She was smiling when Ivica wagged his tail daringly, swearing at Brankica in all cats’ languages, saying that, with all the problems a cat may have, he does not need any children.

As he was coming back home, thinking about all the wonderful moments in his life, Mića, the strongest tomcat in the courtyard, blocked his way, getting ready for a fight. Ivica nearly had a heart attack!

I got out of my secret hiding place from where I had seen everything, took my tomcat in my arms and brought him in the house. 

Tomorrow everybody was angry with Ivica, determined to punish him severely for his cruel behaviour towards his children.

Neighbour Rade said, “That creature should be hanged for such behaviour!”

“I think we should read him a good night story, so when he wakes up, he’ll forget everything, go to Brankica and they’ll live happily ever after,” Mrs Lepa said.

“No way!” Brankica’s owner cried, “He should be sent to the Chinese! They like cats, they’ll eat him!”

 “No way!” I cried.

“Be quiet!” said our neighbour policeman, “I’ll sentence him. Bring the offender! Ivica, the tomcat, are you aware of what you’ve done?”

Ivica just bent his head.

“During the winter you’ll drink hot milk and you won’t sleep in a warm bed but on the rug. The verdict has been reached!”

After the hard day, the night came and Ivica jumped into my bed, got under the blanket and started trying to gain my favour.

“My dear Ivica, have sweet dreams and enjoy your last autumn night in the warm bed!”

Šankar, čuveni indijski karikaturista, objavio je 1949. u svom časopisu takmičarski konkurs za decu u crtanju i pisanju. Učestvovalo je oko 1000 dece od 5 do 16 godina. Tokom sledeće godine, otvoren je konkurs i za decu drugih zemalja. Tako je nastalo Šankarovo međunarodno dečije umetničko takmičenje. Uključilo se 13 zemalja, a tokom narednih pedeset godina taj broj se povećao na više od 135 zemalja. Međunarodni žiri daje nagradu zlatna medalja predsednika Indije za najbolji crtež, a nagradu Šankarova zlatna medalja za najbolji pisani sastav. Dodeli nagrada prisustvuju i indijski predsednik i predsednik vlade, a čitavu svečanost vode deca u školskim uniformama.

Nagrađeni radovi se objavljuju u knjizi „Šankarov dečiji umetnički broj“. Svaki nagrađeni učesnik dobija besplatan primerak ovog izdanja, ali on je dostupan i svim ostalim učesnicima.

Više o takmičenju i propozicijama možete pročitati na stranici: http://www.childrensbooktrust.com/writing.htm.